What we care about

We Are Our Union

Our members democratically elect our leaders who are then responsible for guiding, advocating, and making decisions on behalf and for the good of AFDEA

As members within AFDEA, you control the direction of the union. AEA members have the opportunity to vote and weigh in on union governance at the local, state and national level through local elections, AEA's annual Delegate Assembly and the yearly NEA Representative Assembly. 

Unions Begin with U

When working people come together, they make things better for everyone. Joining together in unions enables workers to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions in the workplace. These individuals know that by speaking up together, you can accomplish more than you could on your own. What Unions Do | AFL-CIO

All working people deserve good jobs and the power to determine their wages and working conditions. Here are some of the ways working people are uniting to make an economy that works for us all. Click here to read about our accomplishments