Leadership Structure

Executive Board Roles & Responsibilities


The President’s primary responsibility is to oversee the operation of the local. The president must ensure that the functions of the local are being carried out by the appropriate committees and members.

The president is responsible for the smooth and efficient operation of the local association. A willingness to serve in a collaborative manner is necessary in order to work effectively with co-workers and administrators. The president is the visible leader of the local and serves as a spokesperson with the school district, news media and other groups.

The President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and Representative Council/General Membership; appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, the chairperson and members of all standing committees and special committees not otherwise provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws; be an ex-officio member of all committees; with the treasurer, sign all orders drawn upon the treasury for which a voucher has been submitted; represent the Association before the public personally or through a designated representative; and perform all other functions usually attributed to this office.

Vice President

The Vice President shall assume all duties of the President in their absence and work closely with one or more standing committees; become president whenever the presidency becomes vacant.; and perform any other duties assigned by the President.


The Secretary shall be responsible for handling all correspondence for the Association; as directed by the president and Executive Committee, carry on the affairs of the Association; notify the appropriate members as to the time and place of the Executive Committee and the Representative Council/general membership meetings at least seven calendar days prior to the meetings; keep accurate minutes of all of the Executive Committee, Representative Council and General Membership meetings; maintain the official files; distribute minutes to all members within ten days following the Executive Committee, Representative Council and general membership meetings; and distribute copies of all proposed amendments to the Constitution as prescribed in Article VIII of the Constitution.


The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Association and disburse them upon the authorization of the Executive Board; sign all vouchers; keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements; make regular financial reports to the Representative Council; prepare an annual financial state for publication to the General Membership and assist in the initial drafting of the budget.

The Treasurer shall be responsible collection of all dues; deposit all monies in a bank, in the name of the Association; notify AEA of the name of the bank in which Association dues are deposited; hold the funds of the Association and disburse them accordingly upon submission of vouchers approved by the president; sign all checks along with the president; report at each meeting of the Executive Committee, Representative Council and general membership; prepare an annual financial statement which shall be distributed to all members; file the appropriate federal and state forms; transmit appropriate AEA-NEA dues money to AEA no later than ten days after its receipt by the Association from the Board of Education; and serve on the budget Committee.

Site Representative duties:

  • build relationships

  • assist with membership

  • communicate with members

  • refer members to appropriate services or resources

  • be the voice of their respective campus