Level 1: Foundational

NEA Leadership Competency: Organizing

For (but not limited to): New ARs or members considering being an AR

Association representatives (ARs) play a valuable role in ensuring that their association effectively advocates for members, students, and community. This training will help build a foundation and provide a toolbox of skills for ARs.

AR Basics: What to Do When You Get Back to School
Topics will include:

  • The basic responsibilities of being an AR

  • Why and how to identify and develop leaders to be on your team

  • Brainstorm addressing specific building challenges

  • Gripes vs. grievances

  • Identifying good organizing issues

This training will use real life case studies to explore these topics!


Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building

NEA Leadership Competency: Advocacy

For (but not limited to) member contract teams, experienced ARs, graduates of AR 1 (state or local)

This course is recommended for 2 or more members with the same negotiated agreement, so that the research and role plays are valuable.

Attendees will leave this training ready to advocate for themselves, their co-workers, and members at their school. Using the local association’s negotiated agreement, and examples from locals as a basis, attendees will learn techniques and strategies to:

  1. Identify potential conflicts, problems, and negotiated agreement violations in the workplace

  2. Conduct member meetings to hear concerns and get needed information

  3. Investigate the concerns, the negotiated agreement, and the past practice

  4. Seek informal conflict resolutions and solutions at the lowest level


Level 1: Foundational

NEA Leadership Competency: Advocacy

For (but not limited to): New bargaining team members, attendees of MSEA’s Collective Bargaining Conference, those thinking about becoming a bargaining team member

Fundamentals for New Negotiators: This introductory course will discuss relevant Maryland public education collective bargaining laws, the research and numbers required to bargain successfully, and all phases of the collective bargaining process. In addition to the nuts and bolts, attendees will learn why and how engaging members throughout the process will result in better contracts and a stronger unit that thrives well beyond ratification. Topics to be covered: • Local union case studies • Role plays • Bargaining best practices at the table • Introduction to contract campaigns


Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building

NEA Leadership Competency: Advocacy

For (but not limited to): Bargaining team members, attendees of MSEA’s Collective Bargaining Conference, SLC Bargaining 1 graduates, new bargaining team members*

  1. This session builds on the foundations of what collective bargaining in Maryland looks like for those with basic knowledge of the bargaining laws, process, and styles. This training will have an emphasis on table simulations. Using different bargaining table scenarios, the participant will deepen their knowledge of what it’s like to be at the table and how that can be applied to in-person and virtual bargaining. Topics to be covered: • Learn about different approaches to Bargaining • Local union success stories • Bargaining for the Common Good • Simulation based practice


Level 1: Foundational

NEA Leadership Competency: Organizing

For (but not limited to): ARs, members of faculty advisory councils, all members

All educators face numerous challenges at their worksite daily, often with no clear path to resolution. That’s where organizing comes in! This workshop will be hands-on putting organizing theory into practice with simulations, role plays, and scenarios. MSEA’s Organizing 1 training will empower members to: 1. Identify issues that affect educators 2. Develop a plan to address the issue 3. Have one-on-one conversations that move members to action 4. Build long-lasting power to address future issues that arise


Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building

NEA Leadership Competency: Organizing

For (but not limited to): Experienced ARs, graduates of Organizing 1, Organizing Committee Members, all members

The worksite is the epicenter of organizing efforts, but to build the power needed to win what our students and members deserve, we must be prepared to go beyond the worksite. S • R R Attendees will spend time mapping out real-life issues, determining potential allies, and developing a strategic campaign plan. This workshop will focus on: E E 1. Involving the community, parents, and allies to form effective coalitions 2. Comprehensive organizing strategies, timelines, and principles 3. Components of a full campaign plan 4. Maximizing your effectiveness as a skilled organizer

There are three levels of training, designed around seven core competencies, to meet your needs. These competencies include: advocacy, communication, governance and leadership, leading our professions, organizing, social emotional intelligence, and strategy and fiscal health. If you are attending Summer Leadership Academy for the first time, we recommend you sign up for Level 1.

Level 1: Foundational (Leadership of Self)

This level is designed for those who are beginning their involvement in their local association and/or have never attended Summer Leadership Academy before. This level is designed to begin the leadership journey in the association and prepare WEAC members to lead in the seven core competencies. Local teams will create a membership recruitment and retention plan as part of the event.

Level 2: Mobilizing and Power Building (Leadership of Others)

This level is designed for those who have been doing work with their local association for some time and have experience OR for those who have attended a past WEAC Summer Leadership Academy at the Foundational Level (level 1). The level is designed to continue the leadership journey to lead others through the seven core competencies Local teams will assess their strength and build a plan for strengthening their local affiliates.

Level 3 : Agenda Driving (Leadership of the Organization)

This level is designed for those who have been doing work with their local association for some time and have a great deal of experience OR for those who have attended a past WEAC Summer Leadership Academy at the Mobilizing and Power Building (level 2). This level is designed to build on and sustain an organizational culture of professionalism and reflective practice that illustrates the commitment to continuous improvement on the leadership journey for your local association through the seven core competencies. Level 3 is built around a local team creating a long-term strategic plan for their local association.

We are looking forward to an exciting Summer Leadership Academy!