To paraphrase one leadership expert, supporting an individual's success creates organizational success.

The NEA and its affiliates, both local and state, must continue to invest resources to ensure educators are given quality and meaningful opportunities to develop as leaders, no matter their career path or Association journey. Likewise, NEA and its affiliates must continue to evaluate and assess their leadership development strategies to keep up with the pace of change.

With these skills, educators will undoubtedly remain on the forefront of advocating for education professionals and uniting our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.

Before you go, remember to ….

  1. Download and familiarize yourself with the NEA Leadership Competency Framework.

  2. Complete your personal leadership plan for yourself to improve areas of leadership for growth and development.

  3. Utilize the NEA Leadership Competency Framework to audit and assess the strength of your current leadership development efforts and their impact on the organization’s priorities.

  4. Share how you are using what you have learned through this course by sending us an email to

  5. Visit for more resources.