
Advances the cause of public education through social justice and how it benefits our students and members' professional needs and rights.


Builds an integrated communications strategy that drives the goals or our professions.

Governance and Leadership

Sets the mission and establishes strategies necessary for a relevant and thriving organization; empowers, motivates, and fosters a pipeline of talent for the future.

Leading Our Professions

Advocates for quality inside our professions and promotes our union's role in advancing education transformation and student learning.


Mobilizes to influence successful organizing outcomes, strengthen internal and external relationships, and membership capacity; recruit and identify new members and potential leaders into the Association.

Social and Emotional Intelligence

Understands the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that create healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals; demonstrates ability to feel and show empathy, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible, caring decisions.

Strategy and Fiscal Health

Builds the brand and accomplishes the goals of the Associations through effective financial management and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities.

It is not necessary to learn all seven competencies at once. Likewise, it is possible to be a Level 3 leader in one competency and a Level 1 leader in a different competency.